What’s On?

Since lockdown began most of our regular community activities have moved online but they’re still open to everyone. Here’s a full list of everything we have going on at the moment, feel free to get in touch for more information over email or on Facebook.

BLG Craft Club
Wednesdays 1-3pm

The craft club meet weekly over zoom to share their own craft projects and work together on other projects to benefit the community.

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They’re currently working to provide care homes and socially isolated older people with free craft packs and therapy dolls for those suffering from dementia.

The craft club is open to all regardless of skill level, if you’ve never used Zoom before don’t worry - neither had any of us before now! Sharon can help get you up and running in no-time, just send her an email at sharon.macinnes@blgateshead.org.uk

The best way to see what we’re up to is to join our Facebook group: Big Local Gateshead Craft Club

BLG Bike Club
Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays 10am

The bike club organises rides for varying abilities every week from the Big Local Bungalow on Derwentwater Road. The club is part of Cycling UK and every ride is guided by one of our registered ride leaders along risk-assessed routes at social distance in groups of no more than 6. We have a fleet of bikes and helmets available for anyone to use on our rides free of charge and offer training in bike maintenance.


If you’re interested in joining a club ride we recommend you come along to a Friday beginner ride first to get to know the group and find out about other rides. If it’s your first time come along 15 minutes early to get registered.

The best place to find out about upcoming rides is on our Facebook group: BLG Bike Club

Pop-Up Shop
Fridays 2-4pm

The pop-up shop is our way to help cut down on food waste AND provide local people with fresh and tinned food as whatever price they’re happy with. Every week we are given surplus food by Marks & Spencer, FareShare, and local community allotments which we give back into the local community, asking only a small donation to keep us running and help make other great things happen!


We’re currently operating a new one-way system and pre-bagging food up to make it as safe as possible. We’ve also expanded our pop-up shop to include a new book swap, bring down your old books and trade them in for something new!

The Pop-Up Shop is based in the Big Local Bungalow next to St. Aidan’s Primary School on Derwentwater Road, Teams, NE8 2HQ

Snail Mail
Community Pen-Pal Service

We’ve launched a new pen-pal service in some of the local care homes to help combat social isolation, if you would like to join it we’re looking for friendly people who can write a letter to someone living along about once a week.


All we need is a letter of introduction from you to get started, you can find some tips on writing one here. Drop your letter off in the red postbox outside the Big Local Bungalow on Derwentwater Road or send us an email and we’ll take care of the rest.

For more information or to join the pen-pal service just send us an email at hello@blgateshead.org.uk or drop in to the pop-up shop on a Friday afternoon.

Plant Swap Shop
Wednesdays 9:30 - 12:30

Every Wednesday Suzanne sets up shop on our community allotment on Arkle Street (NE8 4YH) for anyone to visit and collect free plants and drop off any extra plants you have to share with other people. We have set the system up to manage the exchanges safely and ensure that social distancing guidelines are met.

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This year we’ve started a community seed bank as well to support new gardeners to get growing at home, you can drop off seed you aren’t using, and take away something new to try.

Network Groups

Every month we host network groups that meet to discuss important issues and work together to improve the area. These groups are open to all but typically attract staff or volunteers from other community-minded organisations, healthcare professionals, and representatives from clubs, schools, and care homes.

The network groups have continued to meet through lockdown using Zoom, if you’re interested in joining one of the networks you can find out more and see upcoming meeting dates here.